Monday, September 15, 2008

A Sarah Palin Neologism, A GOG

A GOG: about the GOP choice for VEEP.

One of the dimmest, most cringe inducing moments of the recent Bush tenure was ‘W’s’ unwanted rub of Angela Merkel’s back. In the continuing Republican tradition of determining their candidates by who would you want to invite to your Bar-b-q, we now have the favorite daughter of Wasila, Alaska.

Yes, she’s just a stopped heart from being leader of the Free World. But heck, she’s a Good ol’ Girl (GOG), who would surely go goo goo at the prospect of a rub from her Leader / ur-Patriot / Hero, John. And if those stiff old world leaders wanted to give her any problems, she’d just invite them over for a potluck, and just melt them with her charm and her meat loaf. After dinner, she’d have ‘em rollin’ in the aisles with her standup roasting of those unpatriotic Democrats. Who could resist?

Most of the grown-up voters in the US, I sure hope.

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